Best WordPress Media Library Folder and File Manager Plugins

Best WordPress Media Library Management Plugins

How to create folders in wordpress media library?

Nowadays, very few websites contain only text. A fair amount of screen space is devoted to images as well. Audio, video, and all combinations of media files are also included to reinforce text content. Media inserts, too, help break up long paragraphs of text. When it comes to websites, such as portfolios, photography websites, or music websites, media files can almost completely occupy the website space. When you create media files on WordPress, they all get stored in the media library, from where you can access them whenever you want. If it happens that you rely heavily on media for content, the media library can become very disorganized quickly. To help you organize media files within the media library, you can get help from the many WordPress media library management plugins.

The media library management plugins make it easier to handle the media files at the WordPress back-end. You can categorize the files, edit them in bulk, and delete the files that you no longer need using these plugins. There are many other plugins that can draw media files from external resources, but this post is devoted to plugins that help you better manage the WordPress media library.

1. WP Media Folder

WP Media Folder allows you to navigate your media library in the same way as you navigate using your desktop browser. It allows you to drag and drop media files into folders and subfolders. Using the native WordPress media manager, you can manage and order files and images. Creating folders, navigation, and filtering is all done in no time at all. Classify all your images in a folder, and add a cover image to it for easy identification. One image can find a place in multiple folders.

WP Media Folder

The plugin relies on the native WordPress media library, and so if you want to uninstall the plugin, you’ll not lose any media files at all. The folders are generated using a custom taxonomy. This means that even if you move the media from one folder to another, the links will not be affected. You can arrange the files by file type or size or title and can filter the files accordingly. Besides, you can import entire folders from your server to your media library. An automatic sync feature allows you to sync any server folder with a media library folder.

WP Media Folder is compatible with WooCommerce and any other media plugin that relies on the WordPress Media Library. A “Replace Media” option allows you to replace old media files with new files having the same format, so the links to media are not broken. You can also use the plugin to add a watermark to all or some of the images in the media library. An add-on to the plugin helps the integration with Google Drive, Dropbox, PDF embed, and One Drive.

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