How to create folders in the WordPress media library?

Here we are talking about How to create folders in WordPress media library in wordpress admin panel. We are using WP Media Folder Plugin to do this.

WP Media Folder!

WP Media Folder WordPress Media Manager

WordPress Media Library & Folders Made Easy

Upload single or multiple files directly into the folder you want, create folders, sub-folder instantly. Select files, drag’n drop and classify your media in folders with cover or colored images. Stop wasting time searching for your images, never upload the same image!

 WordPress Media Library & Folders Made Easy

Media Folder for the WordPress Gutenberg Editor

WP Media Folder advanced media library includes 9 blocks in WordPress Gutenberg editor. Furthermore, the media folder plugin has 2 dedicated Gutenberg blocks to manage WordPress advanced galleries

 Media Folder for the WordPress Gutenberg Editor

Create WordPress Galleries from Media Folder

We’ve implemented a gallery feature in WP Media Folder. You can now create galleries from a folder exactly like in WordPress but with advanced features. You have 4 inbuilt themes: masonry, portfolio, slider and enhanced gallery, you can also automatically import media folders to WordPress galleries. 

Upload images into folders and automatically update your galleries all over your website.

Create WordPress Galleries from Media Folder

WordPress Media Access Control


Restrict access to your WordPress using WP Media Folder media display control. WP Media Folder has an option to limit media display and media management to user own media only or user role media only (share access to all media that belongs to a user role). This is quite useful when you got content editors on your website, so you can avoid some mess with your files. When a new user is created, he’ll have his own root media folder created for him with all his media and folders inside. 

Media in Multiple Media Folders


You can place your media in folder and sub-folder, furthermore one media can be in multiple folders and it’s only one click away! You can also also use the WordPress media manager to batch apply multiple folders on media. Never re-upload the same image, just put it in several folders!

WordPress Media Library Sorting & Filtering


WP Media folder is capable of advanced WordPress media filtering and ordering. You can filter your media by file type or size, or order them by title for example, and everything is saved automatically. So the next time you open your media library your media manager will be clean. What’s more, as a parameter you may define custom image dimension and file weight filters.

Import & Synchronization of Server Folders and Media


If you already have media on your server, perhaps uploaded using FTP or from a gallery manager plugin, you can import the content right in the WordPress media library. Select a folder or a subfolder from your server, click on import and it’s done! The folder structure is retained and the media files are made available in the native WordPress media manager. We’ve also added an automatic synchronization feature with any server folder with a WP Media folder, whenever you want!

WooCommerce and 3rd Party Plugins Compatible


WP Media Folder is compatible with WooCommerce. In an e-commerce website you need to manage a lot of images for each product, or each category of products. It thus degenerates and quickly becomes complicated to find your images. Now you’ll be able to classify your products images in folders. All plugins that use WordPress media manager will be able to use WP Media Folder.

Update, Replace, Duplicate Existing Media


Media replacement is something extremely useful, it removes the need of searching for an old media, removing it, uploading a new one. Just click on replace et voilà! There’s a “security switch” to only replace media with other files having the same format ( from jpg to jpg, png to png, gif to gif…) so links to media won’t be broken. You also have the option of duplicating media in case you want to do some modifications on a media while preserving the original one.

Add Files to WordPress with Style

Create a download button for WordPress media library download files

WP Media Folder includes a feature to add design to files that are available for download, such as PDF or ZIP files. Define the colors of the download button and your media links have the same style all over your website.

Image Watermark to WordPress Media Folders

WP Media Folder allows applying image watermark on your media, a non-removable watermark. The watermark can be applied on the whole image library, on a selection of image sizes, or on a selection of media folders. It supports image scaling, margin, opacity, and position.

The WordPress Media Folders, Live

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