A Simple Telegram Bot to Download Files From Mega.nz and Upload It to Telegram

MegaDL Robot - A Simple Telegram Bot to Download Files From Mega.nz and Upload It to Telegram

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A Simple Telegram Bot By @AsmSafone to Download Files From Mega.nz and Upload It to Telegram


  • No Login Required
  • All Mega.nz File Links Supported
  • Show Live Status On Bot Logs Channel
  • Can Force Users To Subscribe To Updates Channel
  • Auto Detect File Type Before Upload to Telegram
  • Can Add Caption To Any Telegram Media Files
  • And More Features Coming Soon



Deploy Your Own Bot ♥️ Star 🌟 Fork 🍴 & Deploy



Self Host

  • Clone the Repo
git clone https://github.com/AsmSafone/MegaDL-Bot
  • Enter the directory
cd MegaDL-Bot
  • Install Requirements
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • Run the Bot
python3 main.py



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