Important Notice for API Users – Domain Age Checker, Whois Domain Lookup Updated

Important Notice for API Users – Domain Age Checker, Whois Domain Lookup Updated

Dear valued developers,

We want to inform you about some significant changes we’ve made to the following API endpoints:

  1. Domain Age Checker
  2. Whois Domain Lookup

We’ve introduced new configurations for these endpoints to enhance usability and streamline functionality. Please note that the old configurations have been marked as deprecated. You are encouraged to adopt the new configurations for a smoother experience.

What’s Changed:

  • Domain Age Checker:
    • Old: /domain-age-checker/
    • New: /domain-age-checker?
  • Whois Domain Lookup:
    • Old: /whois-domain-lookup/
    • New: /whois-domain-lookup?

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

Warm regards,

CodeROG API Team

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