How to fix USB flash drive problems installing Windows 11

Solved Windows Errors
How to fix USB flash drive problems installing Windows 11

If you start the Windows 11 installation with a USB bootable media and setup fails, then one or more files may be missing or damaged. The quick fix would be creating a new USB flash drive.

To create a Windows 11 USB flash drive, use these steps:

  1. Open Windows 11 download page.
  2. Under the “Create Windows 11 Installation Media” section, click the Download now button to save the file on the device.
Download Mct Windows 11
Download Mct Windows 11
  1. Double-click the MediaCreationToolW11.exe file to launch the tool.
  2. Click the Accept button to agree to the terms.
  3. (Optional) Clear the Use the recommended options for this PC option.
Media Creation Tool Recommended Settings
Media Creation Tool Recommended Settings
  1. Select the correct language and edition of Windows 11.
  2. Click the Next button.
  3. Select the USB flash drive option.
Create Bootable Win11 Mct
Create Bootable Win11 Mct
  1. Click the Next button
  2. Select the USB flash drive.
Win11 Select Usb Device 2021
Win11 Select Usb Device 2021

Quick tip: If the device is not in the list, click the “Refresh drive list” option to make it available.

  1. Click the Next button.
  2. Click the Finish button.

After you complete the steps, the Media Creation Tool will create a new setup media with the files to install Windows 11.

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